Gallery:Images by Motorwayplannerm21

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User Pictures > Images by Motorwayplannerm21

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Images by Motorwayplannerm21
Strange pole on M2.jpg
One of two strange poles on the M2 between J5&6
M2 strange pole.jpg
one of two between J5&6
M28 Strip Map.png
A strip map for my M28, which runs from my M200 (Ringway 2), uses the (upgraded) M25 Spur at J4, multiplexes with M25 to J5, uses (upgraded) A21 Sevenoaks bypass, the a new route to meet many important routes. At J15, the route TOTSOs with the forward direction running into the M27, but the mainline leaving and crashing into a roundabout(Pathetic Motorways?), continuing through it to end at a nice trumpet with the new A259. The reason for the last bit being pathetic is that it is more of a spur than a mainline, but it still goes this way as the route would end otherwise.
Strip Map of the A299 fully grade separated to Ramsgate.png
This is a strip map of how I would improve the A299. It is already fairly high-standard, so not much work needed to be done. I had to create a new layout where it meets the A256 to keep movements between the two free-flow.
Girton Interchange My Improvements.png
This is how I would improve Girton Interchange. Most of the movements are the preserved with only minor ones involving my new local access road being lost.
Cherwell Valley OS.png
This is my take on Cherwell Valley.
M1 Extension Strip Map.png
A strip map of my M1 extension from Barton Interchange (currently A1(M) J56)
Cherwell Valley OS 3.png
A third attempt on Cherwell Valley (no two was by Truvelo). I have also taken the chance to downgrade the A43 between the junction and the A43(M)
M1 Extension with M7 from Carlisle.png
An updated version including a junction with the M7 which comes up from the M6 at Carlisle.
M7 Strip Map.png
A strip map of my M7
M2 and A229 Diagrammatic.png
How I would improve the A229 and M2 junction, with the addition of the M22.
M2 Extension.png
This is a strip map of my M2 extension/upgrade. I have extended it back long the A2 to the M25 (Darenth Interchange) with not much work on the A2 itself, although Bean interchange has been completely redesigned. As for the existing M2, I have changed J1 to add in the M15 which would go to the LTC and takes the line of the A289 for a bit, and the M21, the South of England Motorway, which would act as an even further out Ringway 4 (Ringway 5?) of sorts. J5 of the existing M2 has also been upgraded and J6 and J7 have been altered slightly to allow the M2 to continue on a more southerly route than the A2 meeting it again west of the Whitfield Roundabout, which will be grade-separated.
M10 Strip Map.jpg
This is a strip map of my M10 (upgraded A1/A1(M)to M1 J48). I have extended it to meet the M1 at the missing J3.
M10 Strip Map (re-upload).png
Hopefully it works this time.
Cannon Interchange Design.png
A design for a free-flow cannon interchange, inspired by McNessA720's design although including all movements (except U-turns).
Cannon Interchange Design 2.png
Now with all movements...
M12 Strip Map.png
This is a strip map of my M12. It starts at M11 J4, using the existing layout as a basis, and goes out towards Chelmsford and Ipswich, before heading up to Norwich and terminating on my fantasy M17.
M13 Strip Map.png
This is a strip map of my M13. It is an entirely off-line upgrade of the A13 and so the original A13 retains its number. My M13 runs from the A13 a couple of junctions to the west of the M25 to the fantasy Maplin Airport, meeting the A13 from Southend (re-routed).
M21 Toll.png
Here is an idea of how to number toll motorways.
M14 Strip Map.png
A strip map of my M14 (offline upgrade of A14), running from Catthorpe to the M!" to the north of Ipswich.
M15 Strip Map.jpg
A strip map of my M15, which starts on the M2 and uses the LTC to head north forming a sort of East Coast Motorway up towards Middlesbrough then across to meet the M19 (A1(M)) and M1 (extension).
A229 Widening to D3.png
This is a small strip map of how I would go about upgrading the A229 between the M2 and M20 to D3. It would be a completely on-line upgrade, with the junctions being reconfigured. The light grey lines show roads that would be closed. The southbound services are moved slightly to the north.
M16 Strip Map.png
A strip map of my M16, which acts as an Outer London Orbital, along with part of the extended M3 and M21 to the east and part of the M15. It is out-of-zone for a considerable amount of its length, although it starts in zone 1 so the number makes sense.
A21 Strip Map.png
A strip map of my improved A21 between Sevenoaks and Hastings. I havve included junctions with my fantasy motorways that cross the route.
M21 Strip Map.png
A strip map of my M21, which forms part of an Outer London Orbital and also part of the South of England Motorway.
B2003 in Road List.png
Taken from the Medway Council "List of Road - February 2017"
M2 J5 Improvements.png
Another take on M2 J5. I did already do this but I have modified my plans to better fit the landscape and existing junction.
M22 Strip Map.png
A strip map of my M22, a link road between the M2 and M20 to relieve the A229 at Bluebell Hill.
New M13 Strip Map.png
Here is a strip map of my new plans for the M13 number. This is a north-south route and borrows part of the A130 between the A12 and A13, hence the number M13, otherwise, it would be M15.
M2 J5 New.png
A new take on M2 J5 (A249). I haven't labelled the roads as it should be self-explanatory (it is orientated normally - N at the top). The A249 is grade-separated.
A strip map of my M22. This uses the route of the proposed Lower Thames Crossing and multiplexes with the M2 in the middle before leaving to end on the M20.
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Fantasy Motorway Game Map 1.jpg
A map of all the currently proposed motorways (M1 - M45) in the Fantasy Motorway Game thread.
Fantasy Motorway Game Map 2.jpg
A second version of the map for the Fantasy Motorway Game thread. This one shows up to the M56.
Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 25 MP
A strip map of my M2. The western section was recycled from my M22 map.
A12(M) A14(M) Copdock.png
My attempt at an upgraded Copdock Interchange with the A12 and A14 upgraded to expressways with Ax(M) numbers.
M25 Heathrow New Layout.png
This is what I could make out from the aerial image of the new (remodelled) junctions around Heathrow with the expansion plans.
Bullington Cross Upgrade.png
An upgrade of the existing junction between the A34 and A303. It isn't a free flowing junction but the movements have been simplified and one has become free flow (A34S-A303W). The main idea was to use as much of the existing junction (at least the structures) as possible. The only works required are one extra bridge/widened bridge (for the new free flow slip to cross over the A34) and new roundabouts and new/realigned slip roads.
Rainbow Behind Traffic Light Forest.jpg
A rainbow is seen in front of a moody sky behind the many traffic lights at Runnymede Junction
M21 2020 1.png
Part 1 of 4 of my latest M21 South of England Motorway strip map.
M21 2020 2.png
Part 2 of 4 of my latest M21 South of England Motorway strip map.
M21 2020 3.png
Part 3 of 4 of my latest M21 South of England Motorway strip map.
M21 2020 4.png
Part 4 of 4 of my latest M21 South of England Motorway strip map.
Rochester Bridge Moody.jpg
Rochester Bridge seen from the east side with a moody sky in the background
Queensferry Crossing Up.jpg
A view up one of the 'fans' on the Queensferry Crossing.
A46 Newark compressed.png
The A46 past Newark is improved and largely avoids the notorious Winthorpe Interchange.

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